Un film du réalisateur belge Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd (2017 / Belgique-France)
En compétition au Festival international du film de Nancy du 25 août au 3 septembre 2017/ Nominé pour le Grand Jury Award à l’Open City Documentary Festival London - 6 septembre 2017.
This film is centred around the lives of the people living on the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan that has been in dispute since the fall of the Soviet Union.After years of brutal conflict, the Armenian survivors have been plunged into a state of profound grief, which is embodied by the word tsnorq in their language, meaning “to suffer eternal melancholy”.
Convinced that death cannot triumph over their lives, they believe that they are doomed to wander in anticipation of the day when they will be finally freed from their suffering. With extraordinary images and a rich, haunting score by Richard Skelton, The Eternals is an uncompromising, elegiac expression of the trauma of war.